6th October 2016

Small Pockets of Success


The main bulk of work is done. We finally cracked the mystery of finding the route in.
Steering now towards our vision. The new thing is emerging. Little shadowy still but shapes and stories are coming to focus…

Vocals are going next under the magnifying glass.

The lyrics need some work as well.

After that shifting to art work..

Good Fall for all,

7 Responses to “Small Pockets of Success”

  1. Thank you for the update! I’ll be waiting forever if it’s needed.

  2. Good to hear things are coming along and I don’t mind the wait.

  3. Being alive and productive doesn’t mean that you have to be hyper-active on the web. Good wine takes time to ferment. Please proceed, we’ll wait until the next batch is ready.

  4. I’m really snoopy about your new work!

  5. So glad to read this update! Please, let it brew for as long as it requires.

  6. I’m waiting patiently for your new release. Time does not really matter that much when it’s about crafting such a unique and intense atmosphere.

  7. Always nice to hear how things are going. Take your time, as others have said. It’s important not to stress art!

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