There are few images left from the Prophecy fest art show. If you are interested buying one please ask from epost (@) prophecy (dot) de.
Also few wall canvases with Folk Aesthetic-logo remains. Those are for sale for 25€ (including shipping world wide). Buy them and support the band directly by sending email to tenhi (@) utustudio (dot) com.
— tyko | utustudio |

It was such a pleasure to meet all of you fans and experience the beautiful atmosphere at the Prophecy Fest 2015. There were people from over thirty different countries including Finland, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Egypt, Chile, Mexico (thanks for the gifts), China, and even from Tasmania – pretty much the opposite side of the world! You are the best!
Everything was set up for the most beautiful evening and a great show. It must be a cruel twist of fate that the monitor sound (meaning no sound at all) on stage was the most terrible we have ever experienced on our live shows. Too much energy and focus went off rails just trying to hear anything else than drums.
Anyway for us meeting all of you was alone worth the trip – hope you got something in return too!
With love and respect,
— tyko | utustudio |

Just few days till the fest and things are shaping up!
The exhibition art pieces are looking amazing. Presented will be Saivo images, some Folk Aesthetic images and festival poster design. The images are printed on vintage wooden panels and the sizes differ from 1189mm x 598mm to 420mm x 841mm. These exclusive and signed images are for sale – a chance to get truly unique Tenhi-art pieces!
Available for purchase are also couple of smaller A5-size images printed on wooden cards and wall canvases with Folk Aesthetic graphic.
Get your own copies and be sure to bring them to the signing session!
See you soon!
— tyko | utustudio |

Tenhi merchandise with two classic designs will be available on Prophecy Fest! “Folk Aesthetic” (t-shirt, girlie, zipper) and “Kertomuksia” (t-shirt).
— tyko | harmaa, merchandise, tenhi, utustudio |

Hello Dear Fans,
Only few rehearsals before hitting the balve gig…
Still some things to be done on our checklist but some sort of musical shape is emerging finally.
There will be no pyrotechnics, no bells and whistles — just poorly played Tenhi songs for your amusement!
Hope to see as many of you dear fans there as possible. This might be the only live event for some time now. And you know when we talk about “some time” it might mean a BIG while.
Line up for the show:
Tyko Saarikko
vocals, ac. guitar
Ilmari Issakainen
ac.guitar, vocals
Tuukka Tolvanen
ac. guitar, vocals
Jaakko Hilppö
bass, vocals
Inka Eerola
Jussi Lehtinen
piano, vocals
Raimo Kovalainen
— ilmari | tenhi |