Tenhi news December 2003
Updated music section with drum version of Suortuva. Updated UTUstudio with an old grand piano. Updated pictures page with a nice panorama shot from the studio room One.
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Updated music section with drum version of Suortuva. Updated UTUstudio with an old grand piano. Updated pictures page with a nice panorama shot from the studio room One.
Recording sessions for the next full-length album will continue in the spring, as soon as the studio thaws. A music video for a song off that album is planned, as well as a 6–9 day European tour in the spring.
Some 4–5 new songs for the next album have been put together so far in the early 20th century school building where the studio currently resides.
‘Kauan‘ will be re-released later this year, with bonus tracks ‘kielo’ and ‘niin auer hiljaa vie’ from the same sessions.
Prophecy productions shall release a rather exclusive 200-piece ‘Väre‘ LP issue during the coming winter; half in white, half in transparent vinyl. Part of all the covers will be hand-painted by Tenhi members.
Added a few live photos from wgt 2003.
Two upcoming live performances in Finland with Nest:
Recording sessions for the next album will begin mid-July in a wooden house in the countryside…
The next Tenhi release is planned to be a mCD continuing the ‘airut:’ saga. An early version of ‘kielo’ from the ‘kauan‘ sessions will be included, as well as some very old piano tracks.
The Helsinki gig got cancelled at the last minute due to technical issues (pissed-on mixing desk and speakers) at the venue. We’ll see if we can arrange a gig in Helsinki during fall 2003.
2000 faces festival live ‘näkin laulu‘ for download.
New unreleased track for download: sydänvalkea.
The Wave Gotik Treffen gig will be on Saturday 7th at Haus Leipzig, Elsterstraße 22, at 20:00. Expect a more acoustic-oriented sound, as we’ll be using simpler percussions rather than a regular drum set this time around.
Tenhi live at the: 12th Wave Gotik Treffen / Pfingsten (Whitsun) June, 06th – 09th Leipzig – Germany
Thanks for everyone who showed up for the concerts earlier this year. Pictures coming up soon.
Recording sessions for a new full-length album are planned for this summer.