Thanks for everyone who showed up. It was a real pleasure to play for you. Unfortunately the bar closed rather early so there wasn’t any time to hang around after the show. We are surely keen on playing soon again in Helsinki but for now we concentrate on the new album.
Also special thanks for the amazing shows goes for Matt Howden of Sieben and Jochen and Tom of Dornenreich.
— tyko | tenhi, utustudio |
The current timetable is:
20.00 Doors open
21.00 Sieben 60min
22.15 Dornenreich 60min
23.30 Tenhi 90min
02.00 Closing time
— tyko | tenhi, utustudio |
The hoodies and shirts are currently sold out from us but one can order them from Prophecy Productions online shop GRAU.
Nyt on mahdollisuus pukeutua asiallisesti tulevalle keikalle. Erä Maaäet ja Folk Aesthetic t-paitoja (15€ + posti) ja huppareita (30€ + posti) saatavana meikäläiseltä.
Kiinnostuneet voivat kysellä lisää tyko.saarikko(miuku)
— tyko | merchandise, tenhi, utustudio |
Tickets for Night of Folk Aesthetic show are now available from
They ship tickets also to abroad.
Night of Folk Aesthetic
Tenhi / Dornenreich / Sieben
Sat 11.10.2008, 20 – 02
Gloria / Helsinki / Finland
Price 15 €
— tyko | utustudio |
Night of Folk Aesthetic
We are really happy to announce thrilling news for all who have waited for our live performance here in Finland. We will play our first show in Helsinki at club Gloria 11.10.2008. Moreover we are extremely proud to bring DORNENREICH and SIEBEN first time to Finland to play with us at ‘Night of Folk Aesthetic’. We are also looking for fourth band as opening act so there is more to it still. TENHI and DORNENREICH will play special acoustic based shows so this is something surely not to be missed. More detailed news to follow.
New album SAIVO
We are finished upgrading our studio and we will continue the recording after celebrating the midsummer’s eve.
I am sorry to announce that the wall-flags were sold out after couple of days after the news was released. I will however make second edition of them as so many fans have been asking for them. These will not be sold on pre-sale so please don’t ask for them before I announce that they are ready after couple of months.
— tyko | harmaa, mother depth, tenhi, utustudio |

The new songs for the coming album ‘Saivo’ are evolving nicely. We however stand now in a rather unorthodox situation as we never have had so much new material waiting to be recorded.
Here are some working titles for the songs.
-rinta maan
-kuolleet lehdet
-vapaus saimaa
-pojan kiiski
-laulu kuolevalla
-maa ja veri
-paluu joelle
-polku rantaan
-pienet purot
Ilkka Salminen is no longer in Tenhi
Ilkka Salminen has now officially left the band. We decided to announce this as there has been some speculation around the matter.
This isn’t a dramatic change in the band at all but rather awaited decision. His contribution has decreased along the years and his personal interests lie elsewhere, while for us the band has become even more crucial part of our lives.
Despite this he will still be around as a friend for sure…
So thanks for the past years –rock on!
Here by Ilkka’s own words:
Dear fans,
I have now officially left Tenhi.
This is my own decision and I want you to know that it happens in the best spirit between all of us. It might not be a surprise for you, as my contribution in Tenhi has decreased ever since we released Maaäet. For the time being I haven’t got the possibility to devote myself to Tenhi anymore with the same intensity as Tyko and Ilmari.
I’m extremely proud and happy for everything we achieved in Tenhi and it all means an awful lot to me. I feel privileged that for the past decade I was given the possibility to create music with such talents as Tyko and Ilmari. I think Tenhi is doing very well in their care, and I encourage them to carry on the Tenhi saga for a long time.
On my behalf I’d like to thank all of you Tenhi fans for the fantastic support you’ve given throughout the years. I wish you all the best, keep Tenhi flame burning!
Ilkka Salminen
Wall-flags etc.
We have made limited edition of wall-flags from three ‘Folk Aesthetic’ graphics (10 copies from each, with signatures). We will put them on Utustudio online shop for sale as well as TENHI shirts/sweatshirts later this spring.
— tyko | harmaa, mother depth, tenhi, utustudio |