Saivo news
Just finished writing the lyrics for the new album and now we are going to start recording the vocals. I also shot some 8mm footage during the summer from which I hope to craft a music video for a song from the new album. Also Ilmari took some great photos which we are probably going use in the covers.
Great news. I’m really looking forward to the album.
That’s great! Wish you be always inspired! Waiting for the album impationtly, waiting for the gig also impationtly!
Can’t wait to hear Saivo,
Tenhi Rules.
We Love You !!!
Nice info, especially that the visual side of the album will be satisfied so it seems to be as awesome as the previous releases :) But don’t hesitate to enhance photos and videos with your beautiful paintings :)
Waiting for both the album and the concert!
Terrific! I’m getting so impatient…
Eagerly waiting. Keep up the excellent work!
Regards from Germany,
Great news. Can’t wait to hear some new Tenhi!
Fantastic! I can think of nothing I am more excited for than a new Tenhi album to listen to, over and over..
I thing you can’t top MAAÄET, but i hope it !!!
Amazing news!
They can top everything, nothing is impossible in their hands, they taught this to us with their discography.
Cannot wait to hear this album, I need a soundtrack for Autumn and Winter lonely forest-wandering
Will you please come to Germany, guys?
You’re an amazing band =)
Great News! We Love Tenhi in Poland :) We are waiting for Saivo :)
great band, great music. i wait the new album, i follow tenhi since the first album…one of my favorite band ;-)
wish you inspiration for the great finish, hope to see you on Balkan some day :)
TENHI <3 TENHI <3 TENHI <3 Probably the best thing that has come out of finland this far. :) And I mean every word.
I love your music, congratulations! are great, greetings from Mexico
Ive been listening to Tenhi a lot recently, and I think your portrait something great for the listener, your music reminds me of Scandinavia, in all the seasons (I’m from Central/Northern Sweden)I currently live in New Zealand for the past 9 years, but I’d like to say thank you for creating something as epic as this.
Its nice to revisit feelings I get from Landscapes of Scandinavia!
Amazing news, i wish you all the inspiration for a good ending. I also hope to see you in Italy soon.
so… when shall i come back to your fine site then in order to check for new samples… hm.. “ a day? a year?” :)
keep up your wonderful work guys.
Always waiting patiently/faithfully, since the beginning. :)
I’m in New Zealand as well Anna. Can’t wait for the new album….
Heading for the NEW ALBUMS~~~
Always waiting for Tenhi
Fans from China
I can speak and learned some Finnish all because Tenhi,the lyrics of Tenhi.
I have translated these lyrcis into Chinese which appreciated by many many people.
I love this Tenhi.
I truly hope you guys will perform in Finland too, havent seen any live performances yet, but will definitely come if you play in Southern Finland. Thank you guys for making so amazing music.
Hi Im my Name Is Milad I Love Tenhi
Im From Iran An i Listen To Tenhi Music And Sleep And …..
I Love See You Tenhi
Bye bye
Greats news! can’t wait to hear the album. You are getting better in each album I think, so I’m waiting for the best :D Have you ever thought about coming to this side of the world? Australia ?
I’m waiting for your new album ,you are great in my mind.
Jorge, from Chile, also waiting for Saivo!!! Many cheers, guys.