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15th December 2005

MAAÄET release date


Finally the MAAÄET will be set aloof. The release date is set to 10.02.2006, read some more info thru comments page. Thanks for the patience and all the best for the year 2006 to all our fans. Cheers.

16th November 2005

Tenhi Maaäet re-scheduled

The release of Tenhi’s third longplay album ‘Maaäet’ has been re-scheduled to early 2006 by Prophecy. The actual release date will be announced later. Sorry to keep you waiting…

In the meanwhile we’ll put some new samples online.

19th October 2005

Tenhi samples offline

yötäTENHI’s label, based in Germany, were greatly alarmed by reports of copyright dinosaurs eating their young in those parts; consequently, the Tenhi samples etc. are not available on the site for the moment. We’re sorting out what we can put online and how, without anyone losing an arm and a leg, and hope to have something up soon.

7th October 2005

It’s coming down

Thanks for the support Ben Hauberg. Some stuff is already coming down your way…

19th September 2005

Another sample from TENHI III MAAÄET

pimiääHello all,

Another sample from TENHI III MAAÄET, ‘tuulenkaato’, is up on the tenhi music page. Go have a listen.

27th August 2005

TENHI MAAÄET release date 2005-11-28

The mastering of the new Tenhi album Maaäet has now been finished and the release date is set to 2005-11-28 by Prophecy productions. We will now continue working with the covers and booklet art.
The final track listing is:

varpuspäivä-sparrow day
kuulut kesiin-july’s wreath
viimeiseen-through bloom blades
vähäinen violetissa-lithe in lilac
maa syttyy-orphan joy
uuvu oravan luu-ease squirrel bone
rannalta haettu-from the shore

25th July 2005

Tenhi album update and interview


The master tape for our new album will be finished 22.8. The release date is set till November so it should arrive together with the first snow flakes.

Also new interview online:

14th June 2005

Updated tracklist and sample from upcoming TENHI III maaäet

puutaThe new TENHI full-length, entitled ‘TENHI III maaäet’, will be released this autumn by Prophecy productions. Check out a sample from a still unfinished song called ‘varpuspäivä’ from the unreleased music page for mid-summer eve’s magic. More samples coming up soon.

updated tentative track listing for TENHI III maaäet:

  1. kuoppa
  2. varpuspäivä
  3. salain
  4. vähäinen violetissa
  5. sarastuskävijä
  6. aatos
  7. kausien ranta
  8. uuvu oravan luu
  9. tuulenkaato
  10. viimeiseen
  11. maa syttyy
  12. rannalta haettu

10th May 2005

upcoming new TENHI album

puutaHi folks.

Today we are entering the UTUstudio for one week session for recording the album, still some vocals to do. After that we start mixing it and hope to get it released in early autumn.

Tenhi / Harmaa / UTUstudio

16th March 2005

Mother Depth — ‘Miscarriages’ Released

miscarriages cover artMother Depth — Miscarriages is now available in the UTUstudio store, get yours right away!

14th March 2005

Mother Depth — Miscarriages


We just got the Mother Depth ´Miscarriages´ from the manufacturer. This remastered miniCD from 2000 is available for orders at the end of the week.

5th March 2005

Marras/October falls

to M.Lehto:

I downloaded the songs from your site and they sounded promising.
The promo of Marras would be great to have – could you send me your e-mail for further communication?

My e-mail is

1st March 2005

TENHI -demo kertomuksia


Because of the demand, we have now planned to release the old tenhi demo ´kertomuksia´ from 1997 this year. The concept is still open – it might be a special double cd -release with other old material plus our artwork from that period. The exact schedule is still open and we might do some kind of co-operation with Prophecy Productions with that release.

25th February 2005


I just listened Airut:Aamujen thru after a big while. Usually it takes some time after recording, mixing and etc to be able to listen
to the material – and Airut:Aamujen was no exception to this..

We have received comments from critics but not that much from our friends. It would be great to hear how you have
felt when listened to Airut:Aamujen.

Btw – “suruksi soi” song is close to the style the following harmaa album will be like. At least for now..

23rd February 2005

new unreleased music


‘Suruksi soi’, an old Harmaa theme from around 2000, is now available on the harmaa page.

The Mother Depth ‘Miscarriages’ CDs will be ready within about two weeks.

14th February 2005

Tenhiä tekstiviestillä suoraan kotiin

An offer from Firebox for our readers in Finland:

Tilaa levy tekstiviestillä suoraan kotiisi: Kirjoita tekstiviesti


ja lähetä se numeroon 16369. Vahvistat tilauksen vastaamalla vahvistusviestiin. Tuote tulee postitse suoraan tilauksessa antamaasi osoitteeseen. Tekstiviestin hinta veloitetaan seuraavan puhelinlaskun yhteydessä. Palvelu toimii kotimaassa Teliasoneran, Elisan, Saunalahden ja DNA:n liittymistä.

28th January 2005


Again back with music.

Currently we’re finishing Tenhi album and collecting ideas
for the new Harmaa album.

First ideas for the new Harmaa album are turning towards
the black soil of earth – we have thought of composing for a shamanistic

Soon we’ll put some tapes for you to listen. Some old ones and new ones as well…