25th August 2015

Knee Deep in rehearsing


Hello Dear Fans,

Only few rehearsals before hitting the balve gig…

Still some things to be done on our checklist but some sort of musical shape is emerging finally.

There will be no pyrotechnics, no bells and whistles — just poorly played Tenhi songs for your amusement!

Hope to see as many of you dear fans there as possible. This might be the only live event for some time now. And you know when we talk about “some time” it might mean a BIG while.

Line up for the show:

Tyko Saarikko
vocals, ac. guitar

Ilmari Issakainen
ac.guitar, vocals

Tuukka Tolvanen
ac. guitar, vocals

Jaakko Hilppö
bass, vocals

Inka Eerola

Jussi Lehtinen
piano, vocals

Raimo Kovalainen

3rd April 2015

TENHI live on Prophecy fest

Tenhi Prophecy fest

Prophecy fest

2nd March 2014

Actively creating – not posting….or decomposing


Hello fans of our noise,

There have been rumours circulating that perhaps Tyko and I have entered the next reality and abandoned our earthly remains…

Surely this is not that case. The band and persons behind the scenes are doing just fine. Our focus and energy is constantly where our art lies.

Somewhat intentionally/​unintentionally our feed has been at minimal level…
We are the most anaemic updaters and posters of stuff concerning the band.

Here are few things happening:

-studio – we have gathered a lot of old dirty analog stuff…nice hybrid set up (for tech geeks)
-music – too much songs to work on (and no good ones…)
-concept – yes yes. It will be a story and concept album (…not a disney one)
-Collaboration – with Ville Valo and Mikael Ã…kerfeldt (not this time…)

So there shut up whining about posts!!!!
One update post for year should be enough…

…next update coming 2015

14th February 2013

New album and Finnish Femma award nomination

New album

We have built us a great location for recording and the preliminary material done there shows real potential. The effort was to make a longer term base for our creative work. Basic schema for the coming album is being unfolded and we have some ten new songs hatching up. Currently we are laying down basic tracks for the songs.

Some new working titles for the songs are:

Veden elein
Veresi säe
Sydämes on tiel

Finnish Femma nomination

We are happy to announce that Tenhi is nominated for a Finnish Femma award in “folk” category. The Femma music awards is an alternative event for more commercial and mainstream Emma awards. The event is held tomorrow in Club Virgin Oil Helsinki.

21st April 2012

Contract with Prophecy Productions extended

From Prophecy newsletter:

With pleasure we announce that Tenhi, one of the first and most productive Prophecy bands, extended their contract with Prophecy for two further albums. Since the “Hallavedet” single CD (1998), Tenhi released five studio albums and the anniversary compilation “Folk Aesthetic 1996-2006” via Prophecy. The cooperation has so far been topped off by the comprehensive vinyl box set “The Collected Works”, which was released in December 2011 and comprises Tenhi’s complete body of work.

Tyko Saarikko (Tenhi) on the contract extension: “We are happy and proud that we will continue on the path we started with Prophecy Productions fifteen years ago. The accomplished albums have been based on our artistic freedom and Prophecy’s patience to let us choose our own pace of creating music. We feel confident that by extending the collaboration with Prophecy our expression has the opportunity to refine and even grow into new lengths.”

17th February 2012

Some Good Ink

Here’s some fine numbers – Thank you all!

NRGM 95/100

Imperiumi 9,5/10

Miasma 9,5/10

Helsingin Sanomat 4/5

Soundi 4/5

Orkus 10/10

Infernal Masquerade 96/100

Metal.de 10/10

Kogainon 0.99/1

Metal.â„¢ 10/10

Metalreview 9,5/10

Reflections of darkness 10/10

Moltenmetalreviews 9/10

Metal1Info 9/10

Rottinghill 10/10

2nd December 2011

Saivo released / listen


The passages has been revealed.
Listen free at Inferno magazine or from spotify etc.

Also new promo pics added to the photos page.

23rd November 2011

Saivo ennakkotilaus / Pre-orders in Finland


Saivo nyt tilattavissa ennakkoon levykauppax:stä.

Pre-orders in Finland from levykauppax.

9th November 2011

Couple of reviews and web banner


Here are couple of reviews that might interest you and web banner for download and to spread the word.

Review in Kogaionon
Review in infernalmasquerade

4th November 2011

Prelude to Saivo

Here is a video we made for Saivon kimallus and Siniset runot from Saivo album.

31st October 2011

“Saivo” CD and “The Collected Works” 10 LP wooden box now available for pre-order

The long-awaited new Tenhi album “Saivo” is due out on November 25 and can now be pre-ordered in three different versions:

“Saivo” CD: The budget edition of Tenhi’s sixth album in jewel case format. Prophecy online shop price: 9.99 Euro incl. worldwide shipping.

“Saivo” Digipak CD: Limited portrait format Digipak incl. enhanced 32 page booklet. Prophecy online shop price: 14.99 Euro incl. worldwide shipping.

“Saivo” Artbook CD+DVD: Hardcover artbook, limited to 1.000 copies, in broadsheet format (size 28×28 cm), 60 pages + bonus DVD incl. “Saivo” in extremly high audio quality (96 khz/ 24bit). Prophecy online shop price: 29.99 Euro incl. worldwide shipping.

In tandem with “Saivo”, November 25 will also see the release of an opulent wooden box including Tenhi’s collected works on vinyl. The 33x33x7 cm sized box is limited to 500 copies only. It is made of heavy birch wood and the top comes ornated with a branded Tenhi logo and “The Collected works”. Apart from all Tenhi releases in their vinyl version (see below) the box also features a 160(!)-page and approx. 21×15 cm sized book including selected full-color and black/white graphics of all Tenhi album artworks as well as all lyrics and liner notes. Also included are posters of all Tenhi cover artworks and a numbered and handsigned authentication certificate.

Included vinyl:
– Kauan (LP)
– Väre (LP)
– Maaäet (2LP)
– Airut:Aamujen (LP)
– Folk Aesthetic 1996-2006 (3LP)
– Saivo (2LP)

Pre-order now: Tenhi “The Collected Works” 10 LP box

14th October 2011

Saivo tracklist

Saivo will finally see its release after four years of painstaking work on November 25th, 2011.

1. Saivon Kimallus
2. Pojan Kiiski
3. Uloin
4. Pienet Purot
5. Sateen Soutu
6. Haaksi
7. Surunuotta
8. Savoie
9. Vuoksi
10. Paluu Joelle
11. Sees
12. Siniset Runot

Further exciting information on “Saivo” as well as pre-order info soon!

7th October 2011

Saivo Cover

The cover artwork of upcoming “Saivo” album is unveiled now. More to follow!

28th September 2011

Approaching the Saivo

Good News,

The release date will be November 25, 2011

Further info concerning the release coming up…

15th June 2011



It is Done.

Both music and covers are the most ambitious work from us ever. Now we are completely satisfied with it.

More news concerning the release date coming.

Cheers and thanks for support to all our fans!

9th October 2010

Autumnal Air

Hello there,

It seems that every album from Tenhi has taken a lot of time and love to be completed – Saivo is no exception for sure.

I will try to open a bit where we are at the moment so that you can get a grasp of the current issues we are dealing with.

First of all it seems that we have done now the string arrangements that we planned for this album. Personally I am pleased about the results – tones and textures are earthy and dynamic. The last parts for the songs were played with contrabass which is a new addition to our soundscape. The strings will accompany guitars really nicely on this record…

Now we are entering the mastering phase. The final touches and tweaking is done to get the record out. Knowing us this can take a while though!

A big question is that will Saivo be double album…?

Anyways it will be a good one…

19th September 2010

Tenhi: Back catalogue re-issues due out end of October

On October 29, the Tenhi albums “Kauan” (1999), “Väre” (2002), “Maaäet” (2006), “Airut:Aamujen” (2006), as well as the 3-CD compilation “Folk Aesthetic 1996-2006” (2007) will be re-issued in noble, portrait format digibooks with massively extended booklets in a limited edition of 1.500 copies each. The limited Tenhi collector’s box “The Collected Works 1997-2007” (lim. 500) containing all five digibooks plus a Tenhi logo patch will be released at the same date. All products are available for pre-order in Prophecy’s online shop now:

Tenhi: Kauan (Digibook CD) (lim. 1.500, 64 page booklet)
Tenhi: Väre (Digibook CD) (lim. 1.500, 64 page booklet)
Tenhi: Maaäet (Digibook CD) (lim. 1.500, 72 page booklet)
Tenhi: Airut:Aamujen (Digibook CD) (lim. 1.500, 48 page booklet)
Tenhi: Folk Aesthetic 1996-2006 (Digibook 3CD) (lim. 1.500, 72 page booklet)
Tenhi: The Collected Works 1997-2007 (Boxset) (lim. 500, incl. patch)

2nd July 2010

“Saivo” and back catalogue re-releases

Sorry for the sparse updates about ‘Saivo’. We hoped to get the album out this summer and didn’t want to disappoint you before all hope was gone. Despite the hopefully final delays, the album is well underway and the final parts are being recorded within couple of weeks, namely choirs and cello parts. We plan to finish our works on the album by the end of August eventually. ‘Saivo’ has taken its time and we didn’t want to rush it. Almost every of the songs has gone through a huge variety of alternative arrangements until we felt that we had achieved best result.

Another excellent news is that Prophecy Prophecy productions will rerelease all our previous full-length albums: ‘Kauan’, ‘Väre’, ‘Airut:aamujen’ and ‘Maaäet’ with special and significantly enhanced booklets and artwork. Stay tuned for more information about these re-issues!

1st January 2010

Great New Year for All!


A sincere thanks to everyone for comments and patience…
It is truly nice to see that our music is echoing all around the world!

So have a nice one!

23rd October 2009

Saivo teaser

Here is a little teaser we made for you.