9th November 2011

Couple of reviews and web banner


Here are couple of reviews that might interest you and web banner for download and to spread the word.

Review in Kogaionon
Review in infernalmasquerade

5 Responses to “Couple of reviews and web banner”

  1. i’ll try to spread the word
    best wishes

  2. Somber, dark, melancolic, climaxing, quintessential, majectic, atypical, brighter, unforgettable and hypnotic.
    So much words i want to retain from these reviews.
    But one simply word to synthesize : TENHI

  3. New message from Prophecy!!!

    The release of the new album by Tenhi:
    “Saivo”, “The Collected Works” vinyl box
    unfortunately needs to be postponed for one week.
    The new release date is December 2, 2012.

  4. Sorry, certainly December 2,2011!!!

  5. ¿this is true Kassi?

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