TENHI & DORNENREICH & SIEBEN live in Helsinki/Finland October 11th 2008
Night of Folk Aesthetic
We are really happy to announce thrilling news for all who have waited for our live performance here in Finland. We will play our first show in Helsinki at club Gloria 11.10.2008. Moreover we are extremely proud to bring DORNENREICH and SIEBEN first time to Finland to play with us at ‘Night of Folk Aesthetic’. We are also looking for fourth band as opening act so there is more to it still. TENHI and DORNENREICH will play special acoustic based shows so this is something surely not to be missed. More detailed news to follow.
New album SAIVO
We are finished upgrading our studio and we will continue the recording after celebrating the midsummer’s eve.
I am sorry to announce that the wall-flags were sold out after couple of days after the news was released. I will however make second edition of them as so many fans have been asking for them. These will not be sold on pre-sale so please don’t ask for them before I announce that they are ready after couple of months.
…would be great to be there…good luck!…
Finally, a show in Finland, I’ll be there.
Mr. Lehto, why not as 4th act? It would be a reason more to come!!!
Where and when tickets will be available?
I will post more detailed news about the ticket price, where and when they are available and timetable etc. next week.
Well, I’m sure there are better acts than me (and my band).
That’s great! I’ll try to reach Helsinki to get to see you one more time :D. You have many fans in Poland, don’t forget about it and drop over soon!
I live in italy…is impossible for me to come to see tenhi (it could be just a wish),but I write to say that tenhi arrived also in italy…and I love them,they are great,incredibly intense.
I bought all the albums,but I can’t find Vare,I’m so sad
I hope it will be remastered.
I have no words to describe the bootlegs and kausienranta video…
I’m from Russia, I want to visit Night so much, but only if I can get tikets. I’ll wait for information.
Koska tulee liput myyntiin ja mitä kautta!
Tickets from tiketti: http://www.tiketti.fi/event/2920
Mahtaako paikalla olla jonkinlaista myyntiä (paitoja, levyjä yms.)?
Onko tietoa kuin paljon ennakkoja on myyty? Viime viikon visiitistä Gloriaan jäi erittäin huono maku. Ulkona 2 jonoa, toinen ennakkolipullisille ja toinen niille, jotka ostivat ovelta lippunsa. Kukaan ei tosin ollut merkinnyt jonoja mitenkään ja edestäni joku puolisen tuntia jonottanut ei päässyt sisään vaan ohjattiin “liputtomien” jonon päähän, jossa sai odottaa sitten vielä reippaan tunnin, missaten samalla puolet yhtyeistä. Erittäin huonoa toimintaa henkilökunnan puolesta myös muilla tavoin, kannattanee katsastaa tämä topic (http://www.imperiumi.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=29901&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=50) ja ohjeistaa hieman Glorian henkilökuntaa jos suinkin mahdollista.
Uusimmassa postauksessa näkyviä paitoja on myynnissä, siis sekä Maaäet- että Folk Aesthetic-huppareita ja t-paitoja. Myynnissä on myös ainakin Maaäet:ä ja Airut:aamujen levyjä.
Kiitos informaatista, kuulostaa skeidalta järjestelyltä. Yritän tehdä asialle jotain.
I am a Girl from China.
Liked your music
I hope you will have more and better music
The best wishes of